/* * JS鍩虹澶勭悊妗嗘灦 * -- 鎻愬€′簰鑱旂綉鍏变韩,鍚屾椂搴斿皧閲嶅師鍒涗綔鑰?缃戠珯鍒朵綔灞濟 鐖变紒浜 -- * * @company: iqweb * @author: jack * timer: 2023骞 * Tel锛?8565633435 * QQ锛?97232289 * WeChat锛?8565633435 */ var IqwXiongJs = { Width: $(window).width(), Height: $(window).height(), //閿氱偣璺濈 maoNumber: 0, //鏁板瓧婊氬姩鍒ゆ柇 NumberIf: true, FootNumberIf: true, Number: [], //鏈夐敋鐐规墠鍚搁《 maoTop: false, bannerAnimation: 'AddFadeInUp', EffectAnimate: 'fade', //婊氬姩鏉 MyScroll: null, //鍔犺浇 ImagesLoad: 0, SvgTimeOver: null, SvgTime: 0, ImgArray: [], allImages: [], //澧炲姞 IndexPageTab: null, IndexBannerPicTab: null, BannerTab: null, WapNavIF: true, IndexProductPhotoTab: null, IndexProductDetailsTab: null, IndexMapDetailsTab: null, IndexMapBtnTab: null, IndexCustomersPrevTab: null, IndexCustomersNextTab: null, AboutLayoutTab: null, AboutLayoutPaginationTab: null, InnovationPageTab: null, ProContentTab: null, ProBigTab: null, ProMaxTab: null, AdvertisingScroll: 0, AboutLayoutLength: 0, AboutLayoutPicTab: [], IndexProIf: true, IndexMapIf: true, AboutLayoutIf: true, ProPageIf: true, ProMouseTab: null, //EventKey: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? "touchstart" : "click", Init: function () { var that = this; that.HtmlInit(); }, //浜嬩欢 AddEventList: function () { var that = this; // console.log($(".introduce_head_back path").get(0).getTotalLength()); function return_false() { return false; } $('#top').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that.ReturnTop(); }); $('.index_banner_pagination_item').on('click', function () { that.IndexPageTab.slideTo($(this).index() + 1); }); if (that.Width > 1200) { $('.about_culture_item_box').hover(function () { $('.about_culture_item_box').eq($(this).index()).addClass('about_culture_item_active').siblings().removeClass('about_culture_item_active'); }); } else { $('.about_culture_item_box').on('click', function () { $('.about_culture_item_box').eq($(this).index()).addClass('about_culture_item_active').siblings().removeClass('about_culture_item_active'); $('.about_wap_item_box').eq($(this).index()).addClass('about_wap_item_active').siblings().removeClass('about_wap_item_active'); }); } $('.pro_nav_wrap .pro_nav_item_box').on('click', function () { console.log($(this).index()); $('.pro_nav_wrap .pro_nav_item_box').eq($(this).index()).addClass('pro_nav_item_active').siblings().removeClass('pro_nav_item_active'); that.ProBigTab.slideTo($(this).index()); that.ProMouseTab.slideTo($(this).index()); }); $('.pro_show_wrap .pro_nav_item_box').on('click', function () { console.log($(this).index()); $('.pro_show_wrap .pro_nav_item_box').eq($(this).index()).addClass('pro_nav_item_active').siblings().removeClass('pro_nav_item_active'); that.ProBigTab.slideTo($(this).index()); that.ProMouseTab.slideTo($(this).index()); }); $('.pro_head_pagination_item').on('click', function () { that.ProHeadTab.slideTo($(this).index() + 1); }); $('.pro_details_pagination_item').on('click', function () { that.ProDetailsTab.slideTo($(this).index()); }); $('.video_item_photo').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.video_popup_wrap').addClass('video_popup_show'); console.log($(this).attr('data-url')); $('.video_popup_content video').attr('src', $(this).attr('data-url')).trigger('play'); }); $('.video_popup_btn').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.video_popup_wrap').removeClass('video_popup_show'); $('.video_popup_content video').trigger('pause'); }); setTimeout(function () { $('.BMap_Marker').append('
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var aSpaceBetween = 0; var aDirection = 'vertical'; var aAllowTouchMove = false; var aSlidesPerView = 5; if (that.Width < 1200) { aDirection = 'horizontal'; aAllowTouchMove = true; aSlidesPerView = 3; aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.03623188; } that.IndexMapBtnTab = new Swiper(".index_map_swiper", { direction: aDirection, // initialSlide: 0, //鍒囨崲鏃堕棿 speed: 800, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 centeredSlides: true, slideToClickedSlide: true, followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: aAllowTouchMove, loop: true, loopedSlides: $('.index_map_swiper .swiper-slide').length, on: { slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { that.IndexMapDetailsTab.slideTo(this.realIndex + 1); } } }); }, IndexCustomersPrevSwiper: function () { var that = this; var aSlidesPerView = 6; var aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.030208333; var TouchMove = false; if (that.Width < 1200) { aSlidesPerView = 2.5; aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.048309; } if ($('.index_customers_prev_swiper').length > 0) { that.IndexCustomersPrevTab = new Swiper(".index_customers_prev_swiper", { centeredSlides: true, loop: true, //鍒囨崲鏃堕棿 slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, speed: 7000,//鍖€閫熸椂闂 //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, autoplay: { delay: 0, stopOnLastSlide: false, disableOnInteraction: false, // pauseOnMouseEnter: true, }, }); 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} }, AboutLayoutSwiper: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; if ($('.about_layout_tab').length > 0) { that.AboutLayoutTab = new Swiper(".about_layout_tab", { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, loopedSlides: $('.about_layout_tab .layout_tab_slide').length, on: { init: function () { that.AboutLayoutLength = this.loopedSlides; } } }); } }, AboutLayoutPicSwiper: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; // console.log(that.AboutLayoutLength); for (var i = 0; i < that.AboutLayoutLength; i++) { that.AboutLayoutPicTab.push( 'AboutPicTab' + (i + 1) ) // console.log(that.AboutLayoutPicTab); console.log(i + 1); that.AboutLayoutPicTab[i] = new Swiper(".about_layout_pic" + (i + 1), { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, pagination: { el: ".about_layout_pic" + (i + 1) + " .about_layout_pagination_pic", clickable: true, }, }); } }, AboutLayoutContentSwiper: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; if ($('.about_layout_swiper').length > 0) { that.AboutLayoutContentTab = new Swiper(".about_layout_swiper", { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, on: { slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { that.AboutLayoutTab.slideTo(this.realIndex); } } }); } }, AboutLayoutPaginationSwiper: function () { var that = this; var aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.023958333; var aSlidesPerView = 3; that.AboutLayoutPaginationTab = new Swiper(".about_layout_pagination_swiper", { direction: 'vertical', // initialSlide: 0, //鍒囨崲鏃堕棿 speed: 800, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, // spaceBetween : aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 centeredSlides: true, slideToClickedSlide: true, followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: false, loop: true, // loopedSlides: $('.index_map_swiper .swiper-slide').length, on: { slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { that.AboutLayoutContentTab.slideTo(this.realIndex + 1); } } }); }, InnovationPageSwiper: function () { var that = this; var aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.0208333; var aSlidesPerView = 3.4; if (that.Width < 1200) { aSlidesPerView = 1.4; } that.InnovationPageTab = new Swiper(".innovation_page_swiper", { //鍒囨崲鏃堕棿 speed: 800, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 // allowTouchMove: false, // loop: true, mousewheel: true, pagination: { el: ".innovation_pagination_box", type: "progressbar", }, }); }, DutyListSwiper: function () { var that = this; var aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.01875; var aSlidesPerView = 5; if (that.Width < 1200) { aSlidesPerView = 2.5; } that.DutyListTab = new Swiper(".duty_list_swiper", { //鍒囨崲鏃堕棿 speed: 800, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: false, // loop: true, }); }, ProContentSwiper0: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; if ($('.pro_content_swiper0').length > 0) { that.ProContentTab0 = new Swiper(".pro_content_swiper0", { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, }); } }, ProMaxSwiper0: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; var aSpaceBetween = 0; var aSlidesPerView = 1; var aDirection = "vertical"; var aCenteredSlides = false; if (that.Width < 1200) { aDirection = 'horizontal'; aSlidesPerView = 1.5; aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.048309; aCenteredSlides = true; TouchMove = true; } if ($('.pro_max_swiper0').length > 0) { that.ProMaxTab0 = new Swiper(".pro_max_swiper0", { direction: aDirection, speed: 800, loop: true, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, grabCursor: true, centeredSlides:aCenteredSlides, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, loopedSlides: $('.pro_max_swiper0 .swiper-slide').length, on: { init: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box0 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('01'); $('.pro_max_pagination_box0 .pro_max_pagination_default').html('0' + this.loopedSlides); }, slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box0 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('0' + (this.realIndex + 1)); that.ProContentTab0.slideTo(this.realIndex + 1); } } }); } }, ProContentSwiper1: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; if ($('.pro_content_swiper1').length > 0) { that.ProContentTab1 = new Swiper(".pro_content_swiper1", { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, }); } }, ProMaxSwiper1: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; var aSpaceBetween = 0; var aSlidesPerView = 1; var aDirection = "vertical"; var aCenteredSlides = false; if (that.Width < 1200) { aDirection = 'horizontal'; aSlidesPerView = 1.5; aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.048309; aCenteredSlides = true; TouchMove = true; } if ($('.pro_max_swiper1').length > 0) { that.ProMaxTab1 = new Swiper(".pro_max_swiper1", { direction: aDirection, speed: 800, loop: true, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, grabCursor: true, centeredSlides:aCenteredSlides, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, loopedSlides: $('.pro_max_swiper1 .swiper-slide').length, on: { init: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box1 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('01'); $('.pro_max_pagination_box1 .pro_max_pagination_default').html('0' + this.loopedSlides); }, slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box1 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('0' + (this.realIndex + 1)); that.ProContentTab1.slideTo(this.realIndex + 1); } } }); } }, ProContentSwiper2: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; if ($('.pro_content_swiper2').length > 0) { that.ProContentTab2 = new Swiper(".pro_content_swiper2", { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, }); } }, ProMaxSwiper2: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; var aSpaceBetween = 0; var aSlidesPerView = 1; var aDirection = "vertical"; var aCenteredSlides = false; if (that.Width < 1200) { aDirection = 'horizontal'; aSlidesPerView = 1.5; aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.048309; aCenteredSlides = true; TouchMove = true; } if ($('.pro_max_swiper2').length > 0) { that.ProMaxTab2 = new Swiper(".pro_max_swiper2", { direction: aDirection, speed: 800, loop: true, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, grabCursor: true, centeredSlides:aCenteredSlides, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, loopedSlides: $('.pro_max_swiper2 .swiper-slide').length, on: { init: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box2 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('01'); $('.pro_max_pagination_box2 .pro_max_pagination_default').html('0' + this.loopedSlides); }, slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box2 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('0' + (this.realIndex + 1)); that.ProContentTab2.slideTo(this.realIndex + 1); } } }); } }, ProContentSwiper3: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; if ($('.pro_content_swiper3').length > 0) { that.ProContentTab3 = new Swiper(".pro_content_swiper3", { effect: 'fade', speed: 800, loop: true, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, }); } }, ProMaxSwiper3: function () { var that = this; var TouchMove = false; var aSpaceBetween = 0; var aSlidesPerView = 1; var aDirection = "vertical"; var aCenteredSlides = false; if (that.Width < 1200) { aDirection = 'horizontal'; aSlidesPerView = 1.5; aSpaceBetween = that.Width * 0.048309; aCenteredSlides = true; TouchMove = true; } if ($('.pro_max_swiper3').length > 0) { that.ProMaxTab3 = new Swiper(".pro_max_swiper3", { direction: aDirection, speed: 800, loop: true, slidesPerView: aSlidesPerView, spaceBetween: aSpaceBetween, //绂佹婊戝姩鏃秙wiper绉诲姩 followFinger: false, grabCursor: true, centeredSlides:aCenteredSlides, //绂佹鎵嬫寚婊戝姩 allowTouchMove: TouchMove, loopedSlides: $('.pro_max_swiper3 .swiper-slide').length, on: { init: function () { $('.pro_max_pagination_box3 .pro_max_pagination_current').html('01'); 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